Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A three-legged chicken...

Been a week since my visit with Ortho Doc #2, Dr. Rosenfeld...and things have sunk in a little deeper.  For one thing, starting this blog has been incredibly therapeutic for me...much more so than I thought it would.  It is a tremendous feeling to have the support of family and friends and I thank God for all of you each and every day!!!

So, I was originally scheduled to return to work yesterday, which I postponed after my Dr's visits last week.  Now, I'm on for this Thursday...almost 3 weeks post-op.  I am BEYOND ready to return to work!!!  I am missing my Day Surgery girlies so bad!!!  But, I really, really miss my patients too!  I miss what I do and being a helper to others....my dear husband will enthusiastically agree that I DO NOT make a good patient, AT ALL.  This is simply not how nurses are hard-wired, y'all.  We're the nurse.  You're the patient.  Period.  I don't like feeling helpless.  I don't like asking for assistance reaching a lamp that is literally 3 feet from me, but I can't quite reach without causing a funky twist and painfully loud POP in my hips.  I don't like sitting around and, what feels like, wasting the day.  On the other hand, during this recovery I have spent some absolutely precious time with my kids.  Like "moments I will cherish for the rest of my life" kind of time.  It's awesome!  I am so in love with those two little people I swear I could just weep!  What on earth I've done to deserve those two incredible blessings, I'll never know....they are a gift from God, plain and simple.  A gift!!!  *sigh*

Still using my "Tiny Tim" one-crutch method when I leave the house.  I'm totally fine indoors.  Just walking any good distance I don't feel entirely secure, I need the extra support to walk with a fairly balanced gait.  Without it, not only am I still limping, but the pain comes on quicker.  However, at work, I won't be allowed to use my "third leg"...and this makes me a little (alright, a lot) nervous (yeah, I know...chicken!).  And let's just come clean and get all the confessions out there on the table shall we?  The pain...the pain's gonna be bad.  Real bad.  I mean, it's bad just sitting on the couch doing nothing...and that's WITH medication.  Can't use any of those fabulous pharmaceuticals on the job either.  Yes, the nursing profession is a bit sadistic and no, we don't mind because we're there for YOU!  Just remember, the next time you're irritated at your nurse for whatever reason...give her a hug, she probably needs it.  Now granted, there are railings up and down the hallways in the hospital should I need them in the coming days ahead....but the very nature of my job defies the "take it easy now and let that hip totally recover before stressing it out all over again!" advice I received from Dr. R last week.  Well, luckily he's not reading these posts anyway!  Umm, right???  *wincing like a big (you guessed it...chicken!)*

My precious gifts...Lily, 8 and Parker, 13  

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