Wednesday, September 19, 2012

1 Month Post-op....rockin' the cane!

I've ditched the crutches for good!  Well, at least until I need them for next time ;-)  The cane and I are inseparable on distances, but around the house I'm all solo!  Woohoo!  PT is still slow moving and painful, but making great progress!  I can raise my knee to almost a 90 degree angle...almost.  And I can demi plie and releve in both 1st and 2nd positions without holding onto the barre!  Walking back and forth with leg kicks/knee lifts in the pool is my next goal.  Pain is considerably better overall.  It feels like it's the tendon release that is causing the most discomfort.  I have almost NO deep bone pain at all (like I still have in the left hip) which is incredibly encouraging!  Still having some muscle spasms in the groin, hamstrings, quads and glutes, mostly in the evenings, but I've been getting massages with PT and that, along with ice and TENS therapy is incredible!  I feel like a new woman!

So, I fly out to see Dr. B for my follow up appointment here in a couple of weeks and hopefully will be scheduling hip #2!!!  All I want for Christmas is a Hip Arthroscopy with a Femoroacetabular Impingement Debridement of Lesions and Labral Repair.... has a nice ring to it, right?

I like to think I look this hot when I'm rockin' my cane too! 

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